Tuesday, March 3, 2015

It Isn't That Easy

When I think about life, I think about all of the beauty that surrounds me on this earth. I think of the birds chirping, lawn mowers running, snow plowers scraping, carpool moms honking. There is so much more to life then all of these things listed but sometimes its hard to really step back and imagine if this is how you want to look at life. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO IT!! As I have gotten older I have had to learn that life isn't easy and we all have trials that we have to endure. If we don't have trials then what are we really here for? Exactly. Nothing. I have learned that my parents won't always be by my side. I need to take a leap and not rely on them for everything that I do. Trying to become Independent is probably one of the hardest things that I have done, With it comes so much responsibility, and lessons. It won't be easy but it'll be worth it. A lot of people take life for granted and that needs to stop because it is beautiful and it is a blessing!

Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing.  love life | quote | inspirational quote | life is good

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