Wouldn't it be terrible?
Wouldn't it be sad?
If just one single color was the color that we had?
If everything was purple?
Or red? Or blue? Or green?
If yellow, pink or orange was all that could be seen?
Can you just imagine how dull the world would be if just one single color was all we got to see?
The many screams from mom and the magic eraser are apart of the daily routine.
You can never take these memories away from me.
A little kid wants to be free and the best way for that is let them create a picture of what they want to be.
Crayons were a childhood memory for me and all of you need to let it be.
Still to this day I get carried away, while in church I steal kids crayons and play.
Be creative with crayons.
The options are limitless...
"Crayons were a childhood memory for me and all of you need to let it be." #stolen. This was absolutely beautiful.